There are some popular species of Canadian Sphagnum peats. These plants are native to Canada and have adapted to the Canadian climate and conditions. They are used for many applications including flooring, mulch, siding and as a source of energy. Canadian peats are primarily derived from partially decomposed Sphagnum mushrooms found in boreal forests around the Canadian border.
The Canadian Sphagnum Peat Moss can be seen throughout the Canadian interior. It occurs naturally in the more northern regions and is abundant in northern Quebec, Ontario, New Brunswick, and Ontario. Some of the more southern areas of Canada have less of this plant species but still make up a major part of the ecosystem. In fact, Canada is the second largest producer of Canadian sphagnum peat moss in the entire world after China. Canadian sphagnum also makes up a large percentage of the forest on the Great Barrier Reef in Australia.
The Canadian sphagnum peat moss can be used as a growing media or as a soil conditioner for your plants. Most of the time it is most effective when it is used as a soil conditioner. It should however be used with caution because it can cause harmful effects if it is not prepared correctly. If you are using it as a growing media then ensure that the Canadian sphagnum peat moss is only moistened enough to stay damp and not completely saturated. Never let the media come into contact with air or water because this can completely destroy the spores.
Canadian sphagnum peat moss is a great example of how being careful about where you harvest your wood can be a renewable resource. If people in the developing world could get rid of their trees, then the world would have an unlimited source of wood for construction, houses, and other products. By harvesting from sustainable forests you can be supplying a sustainable resource to help reduce global warming. Also, by preserving the forests of the world we are helping to protect many species that are threatened with extinction. Trees provide habitats for wildlife and also have a beneficial effect on the health of our lakes, streams, and rivers.
Sphingi canes are known as a native plant species in Canada. The spring canes grow as tall as six feet but are rarely seen outside. They were originally used to construct houses and fences. As time went by the spring was also used to make compost and generate heat in the process. By using the peat that has collected from the canes and from the ground the homeowner or farmer can make a 20 times more nutrient rich compost than they could from untreated kitchen or garden waste. This means that even if they don’t use all of the resulting compost they will help the ecosystem by releasing a lot of greenhouse gases.